Aug 21The impact of Mercy Housing Resident Services

At Mercy Housing, we believe that making the community a better place is just as important as building a home. We support our residents with the resources they need to be good neighbors and members of a greater community.
Mercy Housing begins with housing, but goes far beyond to strengthen the lives of the people who call Mercy Housing home. Whether it’s educational support, a financial literacy program or health care education, Mercy Housing is always trying to help our local low-income community.
In 2012 Mercy Housing Resident Services implemented an Annual Resident Survey to all service-enriched properties in our portfolio. 11,479 residents in 168 properties supplied information about their health care coverage, frequency of emergency room visits and hospitalizations, healthy living habits such as diet and exercise, their emotional well being, and participation in the greater community.
As a result of the 2012 Annual Resident Survey, we found that, compared with other groups, Mercy Housing’s:
- Children are more likely to have insurance and adults are less likely to have insurance than the general population
- Older adults have higher rates of dual enrollment in Medicaid and Medicare
- Adults, including seniors, have lower rates of having a primary care physician
- Residents across all age groups are more likely to visit the emergency room, with highest rates among adults in supportive housing sites
- Residents across all age groups have higher rates of hospital stays
- Residents have poorer health regardless of age or property type
- Adult residents are more likely to work to make the community better and more likely to participate in community groups
- Adult residents are more likely to feel downhearted, more likely to feel down in the dumps, and less likely to report being a happy person

Mercy Housing has used this information in a variety of ways. We have continued to work to understand how the Affordable Care Act will impact our residents and to engage health reforms as they are implemented. In addition, Mercy Housing Colorado partnered with the Coalition for the Medically Underserved to tour properties and learn about barriers to accessing medical care. Mercy Housing Northwest has convened a health care summit with 21 heath care providers. Dedicated services staff at our properties across the nation are working with residents to address health needs and develop partnerships to increase the health and wellness of the people we serve. We are already in the process of collecting information for our 2013 survey and hope to share any new and exciting information with our supporters.
Mercy Housing is leading the way in the service-enriched affordable housing industry and is using the information from our residents to advocate and work for a more humane world where poverty is alleviated, communities are healthy, and all people can develop their potential. Creating a more humane world is no small undertaking and we couldn’t do it without the generous support of our donors and partners. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our mission and to the many people who call Mercy Housing home.
You can support Mercy Housing’s Resident Services with a donation today.
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