Multiply the impact of your donation
Did you know you can double your support for Mercy Housing, without giving even one more dollar? You can if your employer participates in our Matching Gift Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are employee matching gift programs?
- How do I request a matching gift
- How is matching gift information obtained?
- What if my company only uses paper forms for matching gifts?
- What if I still have questions?
Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. It's an easy way to double your contribution to us!
Requesting a matching gift is normally a five-minute process which you must initiate. You can do this by filling out and submitting a match request either electronically or with a paper form provided by your employer. Use the search above to see if your company has a matching gift program, and how your company program works.
We partner with a company called Double the Donation, which helps donors submit matches for more than 24,000 companies, including parent companies, brands, and subsidiaries. If you see anything that should be changed, please email Double the Donation's team at
That's OK! You'll need the following information:
Our EIN:
Our Mailing Address:
1600 Broadway, Suite 2000, Denver, CO 80202
Our Contact Information:
Phone: 303.830.3300 (TTY 711)
For questions regarding your company's programs, please contact your employer's HR or community giving department. Much of the necessary information is also available on your company intranet. For questions regarding submitting a matching gift to us, please contact us at
How your Donation is Used
Thank you for supporting Mercy Housing in our mission to create stable, vibrant, and healthy communities by providing affordable, service-enriched housing! Your donation will provide our participants with meaningful programs.
Your Information is Secure
For any questions about online donations, please email